Actionscript 3 eventdispatcher interface

Actionscript 3 contains special objects and methods used to detect and recognise events, depending on these certain commands, different actions can be executed when those events occur. Normally this means objects whose class extends eventdispatcher. Here is a simple example which loads an image and fires a custom event named onimageload as soon as image is loaded. Actionscript 3 doesnt have strongly typed containers, but its still easy to work with arrays and hash tables.

Remote proxy advanced actionscript 3 with design patterns. The eventdispatcher class allows any object on the display list to be an event target and as such, to use the meth. Eventdispatcher adobe actionscript 3 as3 api reference. Garbage collector which sucks, event dispatcher, event. The eventdispatcher class is the base class for all. Is it any type that extends eventdispatcher, or is it any type that implements ieventdispatcher. We must implement the ieventdispatcher interface and add the eventdispatcher functionality through composition. Ill assume youre using an editor that doesnt have much in the way of templates, but if youre using flash builder, you can get most of this by choosing actionscript interface from the new file menu. Here is an example of using a for loop to iterate an array. This eventdispatcher has a similar interface as the listener model in corona sdk, with some extra features thrown in such as optional extra parameters when dispatching events, dispatching event as string or table, and returning status. Hello, i try to create a website in full flash and i have a problem about the page contact. The nativewindow class provides an interface for creating and controlling native desktop windows. Ive adapted the basic event model mechanism found in actionscript 23 to lua.

Synthesized, the interface is a class with a list of required methods that must be created in the classes where it is implemented. Event objects used with eventdispatcher in actionscript 3 are a little less generic than those used with actionscript 2. Actionscript 3 relies heavily on oop, more so than actionscript 1 or actionscript 2. An eventdispatcher will gladly dispatch events of any type identifier and. Actionscript 3 event handling tutorial edutech wiki. The concept of inheritance becomes even more useful once you begin using polymorphism and interfaces. However you can implement the eventdispatcher classs ieventdispatcher interface and then use an eventdispatcher object like the following. This eventdispatcher has a similar interface as the listener model in corona sdk, with some extra features thrown in such as optional extra parameters when dispatching events, dispatching event as string or. Les evenements apprenez a programmer en actionscript 3. Learn some essentials of the event handling model of flash 9 cs3 actionscript 3. Displayobject is a child of eventdispatcher, child of object below is summary table of as3 flash 9 cs3 interactive display objects not covering flex. The main library is an actionscript library that serves as an interface to the air application.

How to dispatch a custom event in actionscript 3 nuts. Thecontrollerchangesthemodelbasedonhowitdecidestohandlethebutton click. The eventdispatcher class allows any object on the display list to be an event target and as such, to use the methods of the ieventdispatcher. Checks whether the eventdispatcher object has any listeners registered for a specific type of event. The view sends the click event to the controller to decide how to handle it.

Classes interface in actionscript 3 interface is a class used as a pattern, or template for classes with similar functions, that must respect a certain basic structure. Using eventdispatcher page 3 by jesse marangoni aka thecanadian 30 may 2006. Actionscript 3 class interface implementations friday, february 29, 2008 below is a list of all actionscript 3 classes in the flash player, flex 3, and adobe air 1. In our first remote proxy example, we extended eventdispatcher, but we cant do that this time because were extending proxy and multiple inheritance is not permitted in actionscript 3. Besides the predefined events in actionscript 3 mouseevent, keyboardevent, etc.

Memory leaks in adobe air mobile as3 project namekdev. Interface is a class used as a pattern, or template for classes with similar functions, that must respect a certain basic structure. The ieventdispatcher interface defines methods for adding or removing event. The eventdispatcher component provides tools that allow your application components to communicate with each other by dispatching events and listening to them. Ive adapted the basic event model mechanism found in actionscript 2 3 to lua. Instead, the class would have to implement ieventdispatcher so values expecting the interface of eventdispatcher can be typed as ieventdispatcher and still work with that class instance. This library is also responsible for interacting with the extension context generated by air. Classes interface in actionscript 3 actionscript course. Aug 25, 2008 actionscript 3 doesnt have strongly typed containers, but its still easy to work with arrays and hash tables. In actionscript 3, where there is code, there is a class. The eventdispatcher class allows any object on the display list to be an event target and as such, to use the methods of the ieventdispatcher interface. Actionscript 3 interfacing im not understanding it beginner. The stage object is the root object in the display list architecture used in actionscript 3.

Jan 18, 2011 this article provides an overview of key concepts that will help you migrate your applications to adobe actionscript 3. Creating custom event handlers in actionscript 3 is pretty much simple. In actionscript 1 and 2, button events such as onpress, onrelease, etc. If you use flex 3, use the version in the frameworkslibsairflex3 subdirectory. In general, the easiest way for a userdefined class to gain event dispatching capabilities is to extend eventdispatcher. Jul 09, 2007 creating custom event handlers in actionscript 3 is pretty much simple.

Because actionscript 3 does not allow multiple inheritance, how do you. From a practical standpoint, it represents selection from the actionscript 3. Even when a class was defined in actionscript 1 or actionscript 2 it was done so on the timeline where there was code, there was a timeline. Most of the classes are eventdispatchers and have events for which you can add listeners. Encapsulation and objectoriented programming concepts.

In programming, you have one object able to be used in different places with different types as long as that object represents that type, either through its own class definition, an inherited definition or an interface definition. Building a native extension for ios and android part 2. Interface classes in actionscript 3, how to implement and use an interface. The eventdispatcher class is the base class for all classes that dispatch events. Javascript implementation of actionscript 3 eventdispatcher. And its not just confusion over whether something is an interface or not. Also by putting the metadata on the interface, youre actually already saying how the implementations should be implemented. Like most things in actionscript 3, an event is considered an object, it has special properties and methods for working with events. Ieventdispatcher adobe actionscript 3 as3 api reference. You can continue learning more about objectoriented programming concepts in actionscript 3 by reading objectoriented programming concepts. Problem actionscript 3 programmation page contact adobe. Events associated with each of the event subclasses are described in the documentation for each class. Aug 25, 2008 in fact, its rare that you would ever use eventdispatcher directly in your code.

The timer class is the interface to timers, which let you run code on a specified time sequence. Learn some action script 3 to be used within the flash ide prerequisites flash cs3 desktop tutorial flash drawing tutorial flash button tutorial flash components tutorial moving on actionscript 3 interactive objects tutorial you also may directly read this. The destroystarfunction is not best practice, because the star itself should not have the rights to change something in your maindisplaylist. Actionscript 3 now supports event propagation the transference of a single event applying to multiple objects to each of those objects instead of one in display objects.

A networkinfo object dispatches a change event when the available interfaces change. For this chapter of as3 101, we will be diving into the mechanics of the flash. Lets go through a smaller example on this page with more detailed code explanations. Call the findinterfaces method to determine the most current network information. Decrit lutilisation specifique du langage actionscript 3. Registers an event listener object with an eventdispatcher object so that the. In actionscript 3, you dispatch an event by extending the eventdispatcher class. You can pass such additional information to event listeners by extending the event class, which is what the mouseevent class does. William fowble the term perfect is a powerful word. This article provides an overview of key concepts that will help you migrate your applications to adobe actionscript 3. The eventdispatcher class implements the ieventdispatcher interface. An interface definition contains only method interfaces, and any class that implements the interface is responsible for defining the method implementations. How to dispatch a custom event in actionscript 3 using dispatchevent and addeventlistener this is going to be a very simple example of how to dispatch an event.

The i is just a prefix indicating that a type is an interface, so we have two eventdispatcher types. And of course, many other editors have templates even flash cs5 has an actionscript 3. Im not going to get into a big complicated explanation right now, but i will show you a couple of simple examples. The ieventdispatcher interface defines methods for adding or removing event listeners, checks whether specific types of event listeners are registered, and dispatches events. Aug 27, 2012 the main library is an actionscript library that serves as an interface to the air application. That is, a new eventdispatcher object, not necessarily any of its subclasses. The extension context is used as a bridge between air and the native platform.

When creating custom components, you can use the transitionmanager class to apply animation effects to movie clips in your components visual interface. Find answers to can actionscript 3 interface with com. Introduction to adobe flash a brief introduction about adobe flash, a technology used for developing multimedia content, user interfaces, and rich internet applications. Like most things in actionscript 3, an event is considered an object, it has special properties and. The model informs the view that the state of the model has now changed. Viewing the flash window in this lesson are presented the two main windows of the adobe flash cs5 aplication. Add an event listener for the timer event to set up code to be run on the timer interval. Though actionscript 3 is a strongly typed language, the contents of an array may be of any type and values must be cast back to their original type after retrieval. You can create timer objects to run once or repeat at specified intervals to execute code on a schedule. Networkinfo adobe actionscript 3 as3 api reference. Not really necessary here but original eventdispatcher implements it and its really just copypaste. Among other methods, the ieventdispatcher interface defines the following methods. In the case of needing to extend something else, you can also have your class implement the ieventdispatcher interface. So what does this mean for flash cs3 and actionscript 3.

Abstractservice, eventdispatcher, olapcube the ieventdispatcher interface defines methods for adding or removing event listeners, checks whether specific types of event listeners are registered, and dispatches events. Youre repeating the exact same metadata from the implementation in the interface and theres a classwide bindable tag that is overridden maybe. The solution in both cases is to instantiate, hang onto, and use an eventdispatcher object. Hi there, i am trying to get a swf file to send variables to a php file and then have the php file return a variable and display it within a dynamic text field 2258581. Ieventdispatcher is an interface in actionscript 3 used to describe objects that have the necessary methods to handle events. Actionscript 3 and javascript are fundamentally different languages. As many adobe flash air as3 projects we have been using event dispatcher. When i first started building actionscript 3 apps, the hardest thing for me to get used to was the changes to the simple commands that i had used for years. The reason eventdispatcher has its own interface is because the functionality of eventdispatcher can be used in classes two ways. Does all code have to exist as external class files. The version in the frameworkslibsair directory in the air 2 sdk is for flex 4 development. The eventdispatcher class implements the ieventdispatcher interface and is the base class for the displayobject class. To learn how to create a new event, study the following example.